Sunday, May 24, 2009

Margo's Bible Verses May 24th 2009

A year ago I started sending out Margo's bible verses. I've included the first installment (May 24th, 2008) with this email message.

We've completed going through the "One Year" bible Margo used as a devotional and I won't be sending out any more of these messages.

I hope you've been blessed by these messages and the music.

I'll leave you with this last scripture, Philippians 4:8, the apostle Paul writing:

"8:Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things."


Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008, 9:09 PM

On this date Margo didn't underline any verses, however she underlined a sentence in the commentary section of her one year devotional bible.

Let me give you the context first... ref: Galatians 2:11-16

The apostle Paul, the apostle Peter, and some other Jewish Christians, and a group of Gentile Christians gathered together in Antioch to share a meal.

Peter refused to eat with the Gentile Christians as did the other Jewish Christians (except Paul), because it was "unlawful" for them to eat with gentiles, according to Jewish law.

This implied that Christ's sacrifice was not sufficient for salvation.

The apostle Paul called the apostle Peter "out on the carpet" publicly because he was being hypocritical. Peter had been living and eating with the Gentiles for some time. He may not have wanted to offend his
Jewish brothers by eating with the Gentiles.

Here's the underlined sentence in the commentary:

"Compromise is an important element in getting along with others, but we should never compromise the truth of God's Word."

On this date last year, Margo was having a hard time recovering from the last chemo treatment she received in Denver and getting ready for the meeting with Dr Arenson on the 25th, and prep to start a new drug.

No more pain for my dear, wonderful Margo.

I do miss her so.

Enjoy the music...

God is good.

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